Matthew Roorda is a Professor of Civil & Mineral Engineering and has been faculty at the University of Toronto since 2005. He completed his BEng at McMaster University, and his MASc and PhD degrees at the University of Toronto. He is a licensed professional engineer. Dr. Roorda holds the Canada Research Chair in Freight Transportation and Logistics. Dr. Roorda was the Founding Chair of the Smart Freight Centre, a five-university research centre focused on freight research and implementation of sustainable freight transportation projects across the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area. He is the Associate Chair of Undergraduate Programs in Civil and Mineral Engineering at University of Toronto and is an experienced teacher at both the graduate and undergraduate levels.
Dr. Roorda’s research interests include sustainable urban freight transportation, freight transportation planning and operations, freight and passenger travel survey methods, city logistics, agent-based simulation, parking and curbside management, emissions analysis, truck driver training and safety, activity-based travel demand modelling, and firm behaviour. Dr. Roorda has emphasized a broad research strategy including development of theoretical frameworks, methods for data collection, novel methodologies, data analytics optimization and modelling, evaluation of real world pilots studies, and scaling of research to large scale applications.