Kiran Mirchandani is a Professor in the Adult Education and Community Development Program, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE), University of Toronto. Her research and teaching focuses on gendered and racialized processes in the workplace; transnational service work; critical perspectives on organizational development and learning; criminalization and welfare policy; and globalization and economic restructuring. She is the author of Phone Clones: Transnational Service Work the Global Economy (2012), co-author of Low Wage in High Tech: An Ethnography of Service Workers in Global India (2019), Closing the Enforcement Gap: Improving Employment Standards Protections for People in Precarious Jobs (2020) and Criminalizing Race, Criminalizing Poverty: Welfare Fraud Enforcement in Canada(2007). She also co-edited (with Winnie Poster) Borders in Service: Enactments of Nationhood in Transnational Call Centers (2016).